Monday, August 27, 2012

To blog or not to blog?

I am not totally sold on this idea of blogging. I have no idea how I could possibly post regularly enough to do so in a way that people say is "right", but I am also told frequently I should. I do think about a lot of stuff, read a lot of stuff, and love to write; and I do usually have plenty to say given that I think a lot and read a lot.

So, how about a list? A good pros and cons list can help with almost any decision.

* I love writing. I want to write more.
* I think a lot and think about a lot of stuff.
* I read a lot of stuff, some of which could be valuable to others.
* Other people tell me I should blog.
* I fancy myself relatively well informed and I try to back my statements up with evidence.

* Who has time to write this stuff? Between full-time work and part-time school, my posts will simply not follow a predetermined schedule.
* Who would want to read anything I feel compelled to write? Even though we all like to think we are interesting, we are not always all that interesting.
* Do I want to add even more to the information overload of the so-called Internet age?
* I am a very private, behind-the-scenes type, person so why would I share so publicly?

Perhaps I could start out by commenting on articles or stories I come across that make me think?

I guess only time will tell if blogging is for me.

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